Learn More About How Much Time It Takes to Break a Heroin Addiction at Skyward Treatment Center in Houston, TX

heroin addiction treatment

What Is Heroin?

Heroin is derived from the opium poppy, a flower that grows mostly in Mexico, South America, and Asia. It is very addictive and has been prohibited in the United States since the early 20th century. It either resembles a brown or white powder or a sticky black tar. It goes by a variety of names, including smack, junk, horse, etc.

This guide by experts from Skyward Treatment Center, a drug rehab in Houston, TX that offers quality and compassionate drug and alcohol addiction treatment, including heroin addiction treatment, entails insights in regards to how much time it takes to break a heroin addiction.

How Is Heroin Manufactured?

Heroin is produced in clandestine drug laboratories, which are often located near opium poppy fields. It is called “semi-synthetic.” It begins as morphine, a natural opioid present in the seed of the opium poppy plant, but undergoes a chemical process to create heroin. Drug manufacturers sometimes combine heroin with other chemicals to make their products cheaper, bulkier, and more potent. This is what is commonly known as ‘cutting.’ This may, at times, include fentanyl, a potent painkiller that is often manufactured and sold illegally. Fentanyl can quickly cause an overdose and death, particularly if you are unaware that it is included in the heroin you are using.

Heroin can also be “cut” with:

  • Quinine
  • Caffeine
  • Antihistamines
  • Painkillers
  • Sugar
  • Powdered laundry detergent
  • Powdered milk, etc.

Heroin Addiction: What Is It?

Heroin is one of the most addictive and dangerous substances. Addiction may develop after only one or two heroin usage, posing both short- and long-term threats to your mental and physical well-being. Treatment is an essential component of every heroin user’s rehabilitation due to the severity of the addiction. Effective treatments like rehab, detoxification, and therapy can help you not only overcome your drug addiction but also set you on the road to greater long-term health.

But how can I know if someone I care about is struggling with heroin addiction? Let’s answer this question by looking into some of the signs of heroin addiction before looking into how much time it takes to break a heroin addiction.

Signs of Heroin Addiction

If you are worried that a loved one is suffering from addiction, there are signs you can look out for to help you identify whether someone is hooked to heroin. The most obvious sign of heroin addiction in somebody you care about is the presence of paraphernalia used in the preparation, snorting, injection, or smoking of heroin. These paraphernalia may include:

  • Silver spoons.
  • Plastic bags containing white powder residues.
  • Syringes
  • Foil or gum wrappers with burn scars.
  • Lighter, etc.

Individuals with heroin addiction may disguise their habit successfully and go to considerable measures to keep the people closest to them unaware of the extent of their drug usage. If there is no evident evidence of paraphernalia, check for behavioral changes that suggest heroin use and addiction. These may include:

  • Excessive sleeping.
  • Wear clothes that conceal needle marks or scratch marks from itching.
  • Isolation of oneself from family and friends.
  • Performance decline or job loss.
  • Lying about location or purpose for borrowing money.
  • Lack of concern for personal hygiene.

Skyward Treatment Center

The Effects of Heroin Abuse

Some of the effects of heroin abuse include:

• Euphoria.
• Drowsiness.
• Confusion.
• Constipation.
• Nausea, vomiting.
• Respiratory depression.
• Collapsed veins
• Infection in the heart lining and valves.
• Liver and renal diseases.
• Mental problems, including sadness and anxiety.

How Much Time It Takes to Break a Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction treatment is a technique that helps people overcome their heroin addiction. Detoxification is often the first step in treatment, and then afterward comes counseling and therapy to assist the client in understanding their addiction as well as how to deal with triggers and cravings. Some individuals may also need medication to alleviate withdrawal symptoms or aid in the detoxification process. Aftercare and support groups are also vital parts of therapy since they provide continuous aid and responsibility. Depending on the degree of the addiction, heroin addiction treatment is usually provided as an inpatient or outpatient. Some treatment institutions provide 12-step programs as supplementary help. Most therapy programs run for 30 days; however, they may be longer or shorter, depending on the individual’s requirements.

Conquer Heroin Addiction and Reclaim Your Life with Skyward Center’s Expert Treatment Programs

We understand that you have quite several alternatives for heroin treatment in Houston, TX, but few compare to what you will find at the Skyward Treatment Center. At our facilities, we strive to heal the spirit, mind, and body. Recovery is a long journey rather than a destination. Our objective is to keep you safe and comfortable throughout the early phases of detox and rehabilitation, as well as to provide you with the tools you need to recover fully and successfully following treatment. Our intake expert will walk you through the admissions procedure when you are ready to take the initial step and enroll in our heroin addiction treatment program. Do not hesitate to call us for any queries regarding heroin addiction. We are here to offer you all the assistance and support you need.